Special Programmes
GaTE (Gifted and Talented)
Gifted students have the potential to achieve exceptional performance relative to peers of the same age. Talented students are those who are already demonstrating their gift through outstanding achievements in one or more domains, including the following:
- Intellectual
- Creative
- Leadership
- Visual Arts
- Performing arts
- Physical
- Technological
- Cultural
- Spiritual
Identified students may require differentiated programmes to meet their needs and require social and emotional support.
Future Problem Solving
Mt Carmel runs a “Future Problem Solving” programme for selected Year 5 and 6, as part of our Learning Enrichment Programme. Future Problem Solving was founded by Dr E Torrence in the USA. It is widely taught throughout the world and competitive team winners from participating countries attend a final in the States every year. The children’s work is sent away to be evaluated three times a year and it comes back with valuable suggestions and feedback.
The programme seeks to increase an awareness of the future and encourages creativity. The children are given an open-ended global issue, set at least twenty years in the future. They then have to master up to six steps to complete the booklets. It is a programme that demands excellent concentration and interaction with the other team members. It encourages high level thinking and develops many skills such as research, self- direction, oral and written communication skills. It will provide a problem solving model to integrate into their life, and guide students to become more self-directed and responsible. All these skills will benefit the children in the future. Further information is available on the FPS website – www.fpsnz.co.nz
Problem Challenge (Otago Maths)
Problem Challenge is a mathematics problem solving competition aimed at mathematically able children in year 6, 7 & 8. It is organised by retired members of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Otago, and has been running in New Zealand for 25 years with approximately half a million New Zealand children participating over that time.
The problems posed allow children to practise and learn such simple strategies as guessing and checking, drawing a diagram, making lists, looking for patterns, classifying, etc. Children attempt to answer five questions in 30 minutes on each of five problem sheets, which are done about a month apart. They do the problems individually but they can share their answers and strategies in small groups afterwards.
Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery is an early intervention programme providing help for children having difficulty in reading and writing after one year at school. The programme is taken by a specially trained member of our teaching staff and offers an individualised reading and writing programme for each student.
Rainbow Reading
Rainbow Reading is a structured programme to provide additional assistance with Reading where required.
Spring Into Maths
Spring into Maths is a structured programme to provide additional assistance in Maths where required.