Our Lady of Fatima Parish
For many years we have been having a strong and committed relationship with the school and we continue to build strong and lasting bonds. Parents, dedicated staff members, Board of Trustees, Parent-Teacher Association all ensure that the school runs smoothly and that the Catholic Character of the 'Mt Carmel kid' is deeply embedded, developed, and enhanced by the time our children are ready to move to Secondary Schools.
The Bishops of the diocese have always encouraged parishes, schools, and families to be closely knitted. You are always welcome at your parish for mass (see below for mass timings). We have a dedicated team for Children's Liturgy on Sundays at the 9.30am mass (during School Term) where the children are taken to the Parish Hall (Clery Centre) during mass for their liturgy/activities while the parents continue with their worship at mass undisturbed.
We have a dedicated ‘you tube' channel exclusively for Children's Liturgy on our website.
May God bless you and your families.
Father Austin
Please note that weekday Masses may sometimes change due to pastoral care for our parishioners.
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- [email protected]
- meadowbankcatholic.org.nz/
- Click here to download the Our Lady of Fatima Meadowbank app. https://ourladyoffatima.churchapps.co.nz/share/